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Maison Beljanski est fier de sponsoriser la Beljanski Integrative Cancer Conference et de soutenir la Fondation Beljanski dans ses programmes de recherche contre le Cancer

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The Research Behind Our Products

The backbone of our dietary supplements is the research behind them. Maison Beljanski is the cumulation of years of research, dedication and work to create dietary supplements developed by a doctor and supported by research to help you Feel Better Naturally.

Dr. Mirko Beljanski, a biologist and biochemist, worked for over 30 years at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France studying DNA replication and transcription.

It was his fundamental research that brought to light the fact that, when exposed to certain pollutants, the normal structure of DNA is altered and destabilized, and that this progressive and cumulative process can compromise the immune system. In doing so, Dr. Beljanski became the father of modern environmental medicine. Since 1999, his research has continued to grow and develop through the work of The Beljanski Foundation and their partnerships with Columbia University, Kansas University Medical Center and Nanjing University to name a few. 

Maison Beljanski is hosting numerous educational events. Our Healthy Tuesdays are a series of monthly events dedicated to promote various aspects of holistic health. All proceeds from these events benefit the Beljanski Foundation. 

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